NSRA Sunday Night Net
Net Control Operators Page
Scheduling Information
You will notice that by each date there is a Net Control Station listed. It is the job of the Net Control Operator listed to run the net for their specific date. If they are unable to do so, they should send an email to the ncslist@nsradio.org email address
to find an alternate for the night. If there is no one that says they can help, contact either WO1VES or KA1NCF.
If you are interested in taking a specific net, please let us know and we will update the website. Please help us to fill in the dates below...blank spaces mean that nobody has yet signed up to fill that shift. We do need primary NCOs for each net. Thanks to all in advance for their help. Please let Brian AND Eric know if this works for you. If not, we can always go back to the previous way of scheduling the nets.
Net Control Stations - Click here for club notes to be read over the net!
Schedule - by WO1VES
Net Control Stations (Email ncslist at nsradio.org to send an email to all at once)
WO1VES - Brian
KC1MYZ - Neil
W1BEY - Marwan
W1TAT - Chris
KC1AEI - Matt
Net Preamble in PDF Format
Net Log Sheet for Sunday Night Net Operators
Net Log Sheet (Large Print) for Sunday Night Net Operators